Image by Olivia Arratia

Marissa Alise Baez was born in 1997 in Houston, Texas. Based in the United States, Baez is a multidisciplinary artist interested in memory, ephemerality, identity, and the body. They studied Sculpture in the Department of Visual Art at Texas Woman’s University and graduated with a BFA in May 2019. Baez graduated with an MFA at Penn State School of Visual Arts in 2021.

Death, history, ancestry, material, and decolonization strongly influence my work. My art projects were initially inspired by Mexican history that has been suppressed in the Texas education system. This led me to weave family narratives into my cosmology. I have been in conversations with many indigenous and Latinx artists/academics. Through these conversations, I expanded my perspective on navigating a state of in-between. My work reflects my journey of healing from intergenerational trauma, reconnecting, and fighting a system that affects many marginalized bodies. Death is transformative, and new life thrives from this endless cycle. I often look to the resistance of Muir trees and despite environmental catastrophes, they still grow